MSK Ultrasound Workshop Series: Elbow Region

Presented by The New Jersey Society of PM&R
In partnership with the NJ Society of PM&R, Konica Minolta Healthcare Americas will be hosting a Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Workshop Series presented by Dr. Todd Stitik. The workshops will be a combination of didactic material specific to diagnostic and injection procedures, actual videotaped examples of injection procedures and a simulated demonstration on a scanning model of the injection procedure set ups. Time will be provided for Q & A.
The workshop will consist of lecture and video material from actual injections with an emphasis on the elbow.
- Videotaped examples of actual injection procedures
- Hands-on small group scanning for diagnostic and simulated injection procedures
- Simulated injections will be performed on the following structures:
- Distal biceps tendon
- Nerve hydrodissection
- Median in pronator tunnel
- Radial at Arcade of Frohse, radial tunnel, Leash of Henry
- Ulnar at olecranon groove and cubital tunnel
- Olecranon bursa and fossa
- Percutaneous needle tenotomy and PRP of common extensor and common flexor tendons, etc.
- Radial collateral ligament
- Radio capitellar joint
- Anconeus muscle
- Lateral branch posterior antebrachial cutaneous nerve
- Ulnar collateral ligament
- Medial approach to elbow joint
- Triceps tendon
- Olechranon fossa
- Posterior approach to elbow joint